January 17, 2025

AUGUST 17, 2017

Fourteen members began our meeting with a small prayer. Our meeting began at 6:56 p.m. with 14 members on hand. Bill Wolf read the treasurer’s report. There are now 86 members in our chapter. President Dianne Lennox brought in a revised version of last year’s car show sponsor form. It was decided to make some additional changes to the forms before members present them to potential sponsors of our 2017 show. We will consider offering a 50/50 at the Sunday, October 1st show. It was resolved after some discussion to slightly modify the dash plaques from last year’s canceled car show and include them in the goody bags to be given out at this year’s show. It was confirmed that a food truck will provide lunch at the show.   Mary Ann Schwedhelm brought in a men’s and ladies’ version of our new “dress” short-sleeved chapter shirt. Several members promptly placed orders with Mary Ann. Mary Ann also reported that we have a sufficient supply of chapter T-shirts and sweatshirts to sell at the car show. Nice work Mary Ann. We briefly talked about POCI’s 2018 convention to be held next June in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Director Ray Schwedhelm commented that he enjoyed seeing several Tempests out at the Pontiac Nationals in Norwalk, Ohio in August. Several of us are looking forward to our next wine-making event which will kick off at noon on Sunday, October 22nd at Your Own Winery in Riverdale, New Jersey. In addition, we are considering a trip to Northlandz, “Home of the Great American Railway” in Flemington, New Jersey, but only after all of our wine has been bottled. Our next meetings will be held on Thursday, September 21st and Thursday, October 19th. Our meeting was over at 8:18 pm.