January 17, 2025

DECEMBER 15, 2016

Eleven members began our last meeting of the year with a small prayer at 7:01 p.m. Bill Wolf read the treasurer’s report. At present we have 81 chapter members. . In response to a dues increase proposal in our last newsletter there was overwhelming approval given to raising the annual dues from $ 12.00 to $ 15.00 . A second proposal in Metro News concerned changing our fall car show to a spring show. Most members who responded were in favor of the change. The final decision to move the annual show from its customary early October date to a springtime date will be determined by the availability of a suitable location. As such we must also consider whether the Masonic Lodge in Clifton, New Jersey will grant us a springtime make- up date in 2017. At this time we are awaiting a decision by the Masonic Lodge to allow us to make-up our twice rained out October 2016 show at their location. We discussed our After the Holidays party scheduled to take place on Sunday, January 22nd at 3:00 p.m. at Spuntino Wine Bar and Italian Tapas in Clifton Commons in Clifton, New Jersey. More info about this enjoyable afternoon will be presented to the general membership via e-mail and the next newsletter. It was suggested that we offer members the option of receiving Metro News electronically. The chapter will decide after further investigation. Our next meetings will take place on Thursday, January 19th and Thursday, February 16th. The evening’s meeting was over at 8:11.

Steve Sanguino
