July 27, 2024

JULY 20, 2017

 Nine members and 2 prospective members began our meeting at 6:56 p.m. with a small prayer. Bill Wolf read Lory’s treasurer’s report. Four new members have been added to our roster. Our next wine-making venture will commence at noon on Sunday, October 22nd at Your Own Winery in Riverdale, New Jersey. Ray and Mary Ann Schwedhelm had a most enjoyable time at the recent POCI Convention in Fort Worth, Texas. Mary Ann summarized the highlights of the 45th annual convention. It was reported that our website is up to date. Dianne Lennox, our chapter president will work on a revision of the sponsor form for our October 1st car show. We are considering using the dash plaques originally made for last year’s canceled car show for our show in 2017. This will save our chapter a good deal of money. Mary Ann will bring a sample of our new chapter “dress” sports-style shirt to our next meeting. Ray and Mary Ann will be driving out to Norwalk, Ohio during the first week of August to attend the Pontiac Nationals sponsored by Ames Performance. Kudos to Ray and Mary Ann for being among our most active members and for faithfully relating their Pontiac adventures at our meetings. Our next meetings will be held on Thursday, August 17th and Thursday, September 21st. Our meeting ended at 7:51 p.m. P.S. During this evening’s proceedings, the 2 prospective members happily became full- fledged members.