January 17, 2025


MARCH 17, 2016– Our meeting began prayerfully at 7:03 p.m. with 10 members in attendance. Our chapter membership totals 72 as of March 10th. It was mentioned that all but 7 of us are current with our annual chapter dues. MaryAnn Schwedhelm delivered new hooded chapter sweatshirts to those who had placed orders. The next fermentation steps in our wine-making venture will take place this Saturday, March 19th at 11:30 a.m. and on Saturday, April 2nd at 10:30 a.m. Our chapter was re- cently notified that the VFW post in Franklin Lakes, New Jer- sey will no longer be available for our annual car show in Oc- tober. Therefore several of us are searching for another venue. Requirements for our new show location include : parking for approximately 100 show cars, several show car trailers, and spectators’ cars. Adequate restrooms are also a must.

Several Garden State Chapter members attended and thorough- ly enjoyed the Long Island Chapter’s breakfast recently. Well- known member Lou Calasibetta will host the ever-popular spring open-house at his Old Stillwater Garage on Saturday, May 7th at 9:00 a.m. We will also announce this favorite event in Metro News. The 38th Annual North Jersey Auto Show pre- sented by the Restored Rusty Relics Antique Automobile Club will be held on Sunday, May 15th at Bergen Community Col- lege. Convention Activity Packets for the 44th Annual POCI Convention to be held in Bettendorf, Iowa in July will be mailed out around or about March 15th to those who previously regis- tered for this gala.

Our meeting was over at 7:54 p.m.

APRIL 21, 2016 – Fifteen members prayerfully began our meet- ing at 7:17 p.m. Lory Wolf read her treasurer’s report and handed out chapter rosters. All 71 of our members have paid their annu- al dues. The Garden State Chapter recently sent its yearly report to POCI. Several of us paid Lory for the new hooded chapter sweatshirts we received at our last meeting. Our chapter is still looking for a location to hold our fall car show. A few members made suggestions and we will decide soon.

We reminded ourselves of Lou Calasibetta’s annual open-house at his Old Stillwater Garage on Saturday, May 7th at 9:00 a.m. An announcement of this enjoyable event will be made via e- mail and also on our website. Our web designer will be doing website updates and we hope to post several photos from Lou’s open-house.

Maryann Schwedhelm gave us an account of clothing items in our chapter store and announced plans to fill out our inventory prior to the October car show.

Lory passed around mock-ups for the 2 different wine labels we will need on Saturday, May 14th at 11:00 a.m. when the final and most exciting step in our wine-making adventure will take place – the bottling of both red and white selections. After a brief discussion, the design of 2 labels was agreed upon.

Board member Steve Kiellar distributed new POCI membership applications. We are encouraged to give others the opportunity to join the Pontiac Oakland Club International.

Our meeting ended at 8:18 p.m.

Steve Sanguino – Secretary