February 18, 2025

MAY 18, 2017

Thirteen members prayerfully began our meeting at 7:11 p.m. Lory Wolf read her treasurer’s report and mentioned that we have 81 members in our chapter. Bill Wolf, our newsletter editor reported that 10 or so of us are now receiving Metro News electronically. Lory has sent an abbreviated treasurer’s report and two versions of our chapter roster to POCI. Our web designer has been doing updates to our web site. Members are always welcome to inform Lory of any items of interest and she will send them to our web designer for inclusion in our web site. Lory announced that our next wine-making venture will begin on Sunday, October 22nd at 12:00 noon at Your Own Winery in Riverdale, New Jersey. Mary Ann Schwedhelm showed us designs for our new T-shirt, sweatshirt and “dress” sports-style short sleeved shirt. Our new dress shirt will be black as the original and for an extra $5.00 a member may have his or her name placed on the front. Mary Ann will be taking shirt orders soon. An initial batch of our 2017 car show flyers will be run shortly. We will also book a food vendor for the show. We are considering the Jersey Spirits Distilling Co. in Fairfield, New Jersey and the Warren County Winery Train as sources of future chapter activities. Our meeting concluded at 8:00 pm.