February 18, 2025


Ten members prayerfully began our meeting at 7:00 p.m. Lory Wolf read her treasurer’s report. Currently we have 80 Garden State Chapter members. Mention was made of the generosity of the sponsors of this year’s car show which did not take place because of inclement weather. It was decided to carry these sponsorships forward to our 2017 car show in the form of re-labeled trophies. Our web designer charges $ 50.00 for a moderately sized update. We discussed increasing our yearly membership dues from $ 12.00 to $ 15.00 and changing the month of our car show from October to either May or June. We will put forth these proposals to all chapter members via upcoming newsletters. Inasmuch as our 2016 car show was canceled, we will determine if the Masonic Lodge in Clifton, the show venue will credit the paid rental fee towards next year’s show. A favorable response will enable us to host the show at the Lodge; otherwise we will search for another show location. We established Sunday, January 22nd as the date for our next annual After-the Holidays party. We will announce the time and location after researching several restaurants. Our next meetings will be held on Thursday, November 17th and Thursday, December 15th. Our meeting was over at 7:57 p.m.