February 18, 2025

President’s Message – Sept-Oct 2018

Well, the 2018 Chapter car show is in the books, and despite some threatening weather early on, overall it was quite successful. Many thanks to all who participated, and congratulations to all of our show winners, especially Chapter member Martin Hirsch who took Best of Show with his 1959 Bonneville Convertible. Special thanks to all club members who helped in setting up and running the show event, and special thanks to all our sponsors!! 

As much as we hate to see time fly by so quickly, 2018 turned out to be not the friendliest for car events, so now it’s time to plan for our Chapter’s annual “post-holiday” dinner. Many members have expressed a strong interest in returning to Casa Giuseppe in Lyndhurst. Let us know what you think. Of course, we welcome any other suggestions as to another venue for the dinner. We hope to pick the date and make that selection at our November meeting. 

Our  next regular meetings will be November 15 and December 20 at the Maple Valley Diner (formerly The Hearth – still getting used to that change!!!). Please come and join us. 

Dianne Lennox, President