February 18, 2025

Presidents Message Nov-Dec 2021

Merry Christmas, Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2022! Last December, we were
hoping 2021 would see an end to the COVID-19 pandemic, but unfortunately it continues rear its ugly head every
time we think we’ve finally turned the corner on it. We continue to remember all those directly or indirectly
affected by the pandemic. May we all continue to appreciate what we have and those around us that much more.
On a brighter note, the Chapter’s “After the Holidays” party is back!!! The date is Sunday, January 30, 2022, at
3:30 PM at Casa Giuseppe in Lyndhurst, New Jersey. Details in the newsletter, and a separate email will be
circulated shortly.
Don’t forget – Chapter dues are due in January. Reminder – annual Chapter dues are now $15. A remittance
form is included in this newsletter, and we will send the form via email as well.
Also, a quick reminder that the Chapter is on Facebook – Like our page at Garden State Pontiac Club. Feel free to
send us info to post on the page, especially pictures of your Pontiac or events you are aware of.
Our next regular Chapter meetings are January 20 and February 17, 2022, starting at 6 PM for eats with the
business portion of the meeting at 7 PM. We meet in person at the Tick Tock Diner on Route 3 in Clifton. Please
join us if you get a chance. It’s a great way to see your fellow members in person and toss around ideas for
activities, events, etc. One such event is a Chapter picnic which we will be looking to schedule in late
Spring/Summer 2022.
On behalf of our Chapter, we wish all our members best wishes for a very Happy and Healthy New Year.
Dianne Lennox

Presidents Message Sept-Oct 2021

The 2021 Chapter car show is in the books, and I am happy to report it was quite successful!! We had a good
turnout, especially with having to compete with at least a half-dozen other car shows in our area. Many thanks to all
who participated, and congratulations to all our show winners, especially Chapter member Martin Hirsch who took
Best of Show with his 1959 Bonneville Convertible. Many thanks to all club members who helped in setting up and
running the show, and special thanks to all our sponsors!!
Again, special thanks go to Mike Weiss for his fantastic write-up of the show. Due to space requirements, we
condensed his article on our show to focus on Chapter members in this newsletter. We will try to include the rest
of his article in a future newsletter.
Congratulations also go out to Chapter member Steve Goscinsky, who just won a National First Prize for his 1964
GTO convertible at the AACA Fall Meet in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Well done, Steve!!!
Once again, “car season” is winding down. 2021 turned out to be a pretty good year despite COVID trying its best
to stymie us – here’s hoping 2022 will see things really get back to normal.
I am happy to report that we will be having our Chapter’s annual “post-holiday” dinner sometime in January or early
February. At our last Chapter meeting, the vote was pretty much unanimous to return to Casa Giuseppe in
Lyndhurst. Details to follow.
Also, Marty Hirsh has invited the Chapter to visit his car collection. We will be working with Marty to arrange a
date to finally make that happen!!
Our Chapter’s next regular meetings are November 18 and December 16 at the Tick Tock Diner in Clifton.

Dianne Lennox

President’s Message May- June 2021

Looks like COVID is finally on the run –hope it stays that way so we can enjoy all of the things we’ve been missing
– eating out, going to movies, concerts and sporting events – but most importantly, car shows and cruise nights!!!
Let us know if you’ve been to any shows or cruise nights and especially if you’ve taken home any trophies. We’d
love to share your news and pics with the Chapter.
This year’s POCI Convention at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Connecticut is right around the corner — Sunday,
July 11, through Thursday, July 15, 2021!!! John and I will be there, as well as several other Chapter officers,
directors and members. Hopefully, we can all catch up with each other while we are there.
As you know, this year’s Chapter car show is officially scheduled for Sunday, October 3, 2021, with a rain date of
Sunday, October 10, 2021 at the Masonic Lodge on Van Houten Avenue in Clifton. We’ll be sending flyers and
sponsor letters via email and snail mail soon.
Next meeting dates are July 22 and August 19 at the Tick Tock Diner in Clifton. . PLEASE NOTE THAT JULY’S
MEETING IS ONE WEEK LATER – the regular date falls during the POCI Convention.
Dianne Lennox

President’s Message March- April 2021

March winds and April showers bring May flowers and Car Shows and Cruise Nights – Yay!!
Looks like we’re finally turning the corner on the whole COVID mess – let’s hope it keeps up so we can get back
to enjoying our rides!!
I’ve been seeing a number of notices for upcoming shows and cruise nights. If anyone hears of anything, please let
us know so we can share it with our members.
This year’s Chapter car show is officially scheduled for Sunday, October 3, 2021, with a rain date of Sunday,
October 10, 2021 at the Masonic Lodge on Van Houten Avenue in Clifton.
We are happy to report that this year’s POCI Convention at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Connecticut which
runs from Sunday, July 11, through Thursday, July 15, 2021 is a GO!!! Hope to see many of our members there!!
Next meeting dates are May 20 and June 17 at the Tick Tock Diner in Clifton. Since it doesn’t appear the Maple
Valley Diner will be re-opening for evening hours any time soon, we welcome suggestions for a new meeting
Dianne Lennox

President’s Message Jan- Feb 2021

Well, we made it through 2020!! We’ve got nowhere to go but up now.
Looking forward to Car Season (aka Spring!!), especially after missing out all last year. We’d love to hear from you
with any information you get on car shows, cruise nights, or other events. Please forward it to our newsletter
editor, Bill Wolf, by mail or email it to our website mailbox. I’ve been very excited to see several local shows
already circulating dates for 2021!!
Dues are OVERDUE!!! Thanks to all who have sent in their dues for 2020; reminders are on the way to the
As you know, we were unable to hold our annual “After the Holidays” this past January. We’re hoping to do
something over the summer – maybe a Chapter picnic? – to get everyone together.
This year’s Chapter car show is officially scheduled for Sunday, October 3, 2021, with a rain date of Sunday,
October 10, 2021 at the Masonic Lodge on Van Houten Avenue in Clifton. Let’s see if we can match last year’s
attendance of 90+ cars!!
Also mark your calendars for this year’s POCI Convention at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Connecticut which
runs from Sunday, July 11, through Thursday, July 15, 2021. I’m definitely keeping my fingers crossed that the
COVID pandemic lets up enough so we can pull this off.
Last but not least – all Chapter members who are also national POCI members should cast their ballots for the
2021 POCI Director Elections. Ballots were included in your February 2021 Smoke Signals. Not to overly
influence anyone, but be sure to vote for our own member, John Cappelmann, for another term as Director of the
Northeast Division.
Next meeting dates are March 18 and April 15 at the Tick Tock Diner in Clifton.
Dianne Lennox