July 27, 2024

Presidents Message Sept-Oct 2021

The 2021 Chapter car show is in the books, and I am happy to report it was quite successful!! We had a good
turnout, especially with having to compete with at least a half-dozen other car shows in our area. Many thanks to all
who participated, and congratulations to all our show winners, especially Chapter member Martin Hirsch who took
Best of Show with his 1959 Bonneville Convertible. Many thanks to all club members who helped in setting up and
running the show, and special thanks to all our sponsors!!
Again, special thanks go to Mike Weiss for his fantastic write-up of the show. Due to space requirements, we
condensed his article on our show to focus on Chapter members in this newsletter. We will try to include the rest
of his article in a future newsletter.
Congratulations also go out to Chapter member Steve Goscinsky, who just won a National First Prize for his 1964
GTO convertible at the AACA Fall Meet in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Well done, Steve!!!
Once again, “car season” is winding down. 2021 turned out to be a pretty good year despite COVID trying its best
to stymie us – here’s hoping 2022 will see things really get back to normal.
I am happy to report that we will be having our Chapter’s annual “post-holiday” dinner sometime in January or early
February. At our last Chapter meeting, the vote was pretty much unanimous to return to Casa Giuseppe in
Lyndhurst. Details to follow.
Also, Marty Hirsh has invited the Chapter to visit his car collection. We will be working with Marty to arrange a
date to finally make that happen!!
Our Chapter’s next regular meetings are November 18 and December 16 at the Tick Tock Diner in Clifton.

Dianne Lennox