February 18, 2025

December 16, 2021

DECEMBER 16, 2021 – Thirteen members began our meeting
at 7:15 p.m. Chapter President Dianne Lennox passed out copies
of Lory Wolf’s Treasurer’s report. Dianne also passed around
the flyer for our annual “After the Holidays” party. She raised the
issue of rising COVID cases again and whether we should proceed
with the party. All were in agreement to go ahead. We also
discussed scheduling a picnic for late spring/early summer. Elaine
Silvestri will be taking stock of our merchandise inventory and
reporting back next month with a potential order. It was also
reported that Chapter member Mike Weiss was speaking with
Tim Dye, and it appears his writeup on our 2021 car show will be
appearing in Smoke Signals in the near future. Our meeting ended
at 8:20 p.m