Merry Christmas, Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2022! Last December, we were
hoping 2021 would see an end to the COVID-19 pandemic, but unfortunately it continues rear its ugly head every
time we think we’ve finally turned the corner on it. We continue to remember all those directly or indirectly
affected by the pandemic. May we all continue to appreciate what we have and those around us that much more.
On a brighter note, the Chapter’s “After the Holidays” party is back!!! The date is Sunday, January 30, 2022, at
3:30 PM at Casa Giuseppe in Lyndhurst, New Jersey. Details in the newsletter, and a separate email will be
circulated shortly.
Don’t forget – Chapter dues are due in January. Reminder – annual Chapter dues are now $15. A remittance
form is included in this newsletter, and we will send the form via email as well.
Also, a quick reminder that the Chapter is on Facebook – Like our page at Garden State Pontiac Club. Feel free to
send us info to post on the page, especially pictures of your Pontiac or events you are aware of.
Our next regular Chapter meetings are January 20 and February 17, 2022, starting at 6 PM for eats with the
business portion of the meeting at 7 PM. We meet in person at the Tick Tock Diner on Route 3 in Clifton. Please
join us if you get a chance. It’s a great way to see your fellow members in person and toss around ideas for
activities, events, etc. One such event is a Chapter picnic which we will be looking to schedule in late
Spring/Summer 2022.
On behalf of our Chapter, we wish all our members best wishes for a very Happy and Healthy New Year.
Dianne Lennox