February 18, 2025

President’s Message May- June 2021

Looks like COVID is finally on the run –hope it stays that way so we can enjoy all of the things we’ve been missing
– eating out, going to movies, concerts and sporting events – but most importantly, car shows and cruise nights!!!
Let us know if you’ve been to any shows or cruise nights and especially if you’ve taken home any trophies. We’d
love to share your news and pics with the Chapter.
This year’s POCI Convention at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Connecticut is right around the corner — Sunday,
July 11, through Thursday, July 15, 2021!!! John and I will be there, as well as several other Chapter officers,
directors and members. Hopefully, we can all catch up with each other while we are there.
As you know, this year’s Chapter car show is officially scheduled for Sunday, October 3, 2021, with a rain date of
Sunday, October 10, 2021 at the Masonic Lodge on Van Houten Avenue in Clifton. We’ll be sending flyers and
sponsor letters via email and snail mail soon.
Next meeting dates are July 22 and August 19 at the Tick Tock Diner in Clifton. . PLEASE NOTE THAT JULY’S
MEETING IS ONE WEEK LATER – the regular date falls during the POCI Convention.
Dianne Lennox