January 17, 2025

AUGUST 16, 2018

Nine members began our meeting at 6:52 p.m. as Steve Sanguino chapter chaplain read the invocation. Lory Wolf presented her treasurer’s report. She noted that there has been no recent change in the number of chapter members. The Masonic Lodge in Clifton, New Jersey has been reserved once again as the site for our car show. The food truck which served us so well at last year’s show has also been booked for our Sunday, October 7th event. We discussed the various aspects of a DJ’s job at our shows and will be seeking one whose fees are moderate. Chapter President Dianne Lennox announced that our car show sponsor forms have been updated and she handed out some to several of us. Our next newsletter will include a sponsor form as well as a show flyer. Our show will feature trophies for 17 car classes. A get-well card was passed around for members to sign. It will be mailed to chapter director Ray Schwedhelm who is recovering from recent surgery. Lory Wolf proposed establishing a Facebook page. Making it a public site may encourage others to join our club. Lory suggested “Garden State Pontiac Club” as a possible name for our Facebook endeavor. She will do some research. We will consider recommending that our car show entrants have an appropriate fire extinguisher in their rides on show day. After a reasonable amount of time this recommendation would become a requirement for all who enter their beloved Pontiacs, Oaklands or GMCs in Garden State Chapter shows. The meeting ended at 7:53 p.m

JULY 19, 2018

Our meeting began at 6:56 p.m. as chapter chaplain Steve Sanguino presented our invocation to 12 members. Ray and Mary Ann Schwedhelm related their pleasant time at the recent 46th POCI convention in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Some of their convention photos will be sent to newsletter editor Bill Wolf. Several of us were inspired to discuss the 2019 convention in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Our web designer will be asked to do some updates such as changing the name of our recently remodeled monthly meeting place from “The Hearth” to the “Maple Valley Diner.” The food truck which served us so well at our October 2017 car show has been booked for this year’s show. We also spoke about various dash plaque designs for the show. Chapter vice-president Greg Pavan remains in charge of coming up with a dash plaque that always pleases. We thought it wise to go over car show parking arrangements on location towards the end of August or in September. Chapter director Steve Kiellar handed out freshly copied color show flyers. We are looking for a new DJ to “set the beat” on show day. Additional chapter T-shirts and hooded sweatshirts will be needed for the show’s merchandise table. It was noted that only 2 chapter meetings remain prior to the Sunday, October 7th show. Our meeting was over at 7:56 p.m.

JUNE 19, 2018

Our meeting started at 7:00 with 9 members in attendance. Elaine Silvestri read the invocation for Steve Sanguino, who was away on Holiday. There was no change in membership or treasury reported for the month. We asked Maryann Schwedhelm to take some pictures at the POCI Convention, being that Dianne and John Lennox and I will be at the GTOAA Convention that week We decided to eliminate the Trans Am class from two to one for our show. We ended the meeting at 7:35.

M A Y 17, 2018

 Chapter chaplain Steve Sanguino began the meeting at 7: 00 p. m. with our invocation. Thirteen members were in attendance. Our treasurer Lory Wolf presented her report. We now have a total of 82 chapter members as several were dropped from our roster for non-payment of annual dues. The chapter had sent out a number of notices to all who were in arrears. We discussed the feasibility of offering lifetime chapter memberships. Lory stated that she would look into eliminating a minor glitch discovered in our website. Chapter vice- president Greg Pavan mentioned some local cruise nights and listed proposed changes to our car show classes and show flyers. The car class changes will necessitate changes to the parking of cars on the show field. We will be seeking a new DJ to provide entertainment come show day. Since the food truck we hired for last year’s car show was met with widespread approval, we will be making arrangements for him to provide refreshments for this year’s show as well. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 21st. Our meeting concluded at 7:55 p.m.

APRIL 19, 2018

Thirteen members began our meeting at 6:52 p.m. as chapter chaplain Steve Sanguino presented our invocation. Lory Wolf gave her treasurer’s report. The chapter purchased some containers to more properly store our merchandise. There are now 94 chapter members. Director Ray Schwedhelm and his wife Mary Ann will be setting up our display at the 46th Annual POCI Convention in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin in June. Copies of our latest chapter roster will be printed soon. Chapter reports have been sent to POCI. Member Michael Carmichael from Baton Rouge, Louisiana author of the books : “Past the Hood Ornament” and “You’ve Got It, Baby !“ and of the erstwhile Smoke Signals feature “A Glance Back …” will now be writing for Metro News. We feel blessed to have Michael aboard. Lory also reported that last year’s car show is now on our website. After our next newsletter is published, the website will be updated with photos from our “After-the-Holidays” party. Chapter President Dianne Lennox reminded us of veteran mem- ber Lou Calasibetta’s annual “open house” on Saturday, May 12th at his Old Stillwater Garage in Stillwater, New Jersey. Dianne will send out e-mail notices including plans for interested members to caravan to Lou’s. Chapter Vice-President Greg Pavan suggested some changes to our car show classes. Work sheets reflecting these improvements will be made up so that members attending the next meeting(s) can follow along as we discuss the proposed alterations. A few members mentioned some local car events. Our next meetings will be held on Thursday, May 17th and on Thursday, June 21st. Our meeting was over at 7:53 p.m