July 27, 2024

2017 POCI Board of Directors Call for Applicants

2017 POCI Board of Directors Call for Applicants

POCI needs a few good men and women for the upcoming Board of Directors elections! The world’s largest Pontiac Club is seeking individuals who are interested in guiding our club to a vibrant future. Openings exist in all Divisions. Board seats will be open to all incumbent and selected new candidates in all POCI geographic regions – Northeast, Central East, Southern, Great Lakes, Midwest, Western, and International. If you are a POCI member and feel you have the talent, ideas, and drive to move POCI forward, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee listed below!

All potential candidates are urged to request and complete applications/questionnaires with a current photo and bio, received no later than November 30, 2016 (the sooner the better). Some general information: Must be an active POCI Member in good standing for at least one year; POCI Officer or Chairperson experience is encouraged, but not required; convention experience is a plus; completed candidate application with bio and photo must be received no later than November 30, 2016. Please refer to the POCI Constitution and Bylaws for further details on the POCI web site, www.POCI.org.

2017 POCI BOD Nominating Committee Members

Verne Howard, Chair
(email: CanAm77Man@aol.com)

Michael Murray
(email: mgm27153@aol.com)

Jack Anderson
(email: jgand789@hotmail.com)