January 17, 2025

Presidents Message Nov- Dec 2020

Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2021! Hoping that 2021 sees an end to the COVID-19
pandemic and we can all get back to life as we knew it. Of course, things will never really be the same, especially
for those directly or indirectly affected by the pandemic. Hopefully, we will all come to appreciate what we have
and those around us that much more.
Unfortunately, the Chapter’s “After the Holidays” party will not take place this January. Instead, we are planning a
“Good Riddance to COVID” gathering when conditions permit. We are also looking into some outdoor socially
distant get-togethers in the Spring, again depending on the restrictions in place.
As always, the New Year reminds us that Chapter dues are due in January. Reminder – annual Chapter dues are
now $15.
Also, a quick reminder that the Chapter is on Facebook – Like our page at Garden State Pontiac Club. Feel free to
send us info to post on the page, especially pictures of your Pontiac or events you are aware of (once we can do
those again!).
Our next regular Chapter meetings are January 21 and February 18, 2021. Depending on conditions, we will try to
meet in person at the Tick Tock Diner on Route 3 in Clifton (due to the pandemic the Maple Valley Diner now
closes at 4 pm during the week). We will keep everyone posted via email and our Facebook page.
On behalf of our Chapter, we wish all our members best wishes for a very Happy and Healthy New Year. I also
want to extend the Chapter’s, and my personal, thanks to Brittany Ionescu-Wolf, for all her outstanding graphic
design work assisting our editor, Bill Wolf, with the Chapter newsletter. Brittany will be taking a break from her
duties, and yours truly will be attempting to fill in for her.
Dianne Lennox